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Friday, July 6, 2012

Gold Rush On Discovery Hits Paydirt Again!

One night not long ago, well a couple of years back, I was surfing the cable stations looking for something new and different to watch and happened upon what I thought looked interesting. Interesting was an under statement I soon found out. I had no idea what I was watching at first as the show was already in progress. I did not know what to make of what I was watching so I stayed a bit with remote at hand with an itchy trigger finger and then it happened. This little old geezer looking guy that looked like the spokesman for Pappy Parkers Fried Chicken exclaimed "We gotta get in there and get the Gold!" in a very nasal almost cartoonish voice followed by "Get in that Glory Hole". This was Jack Hoffman and I belly laughed and was hooked on Gold Rush Alaska from that moment on.

I kept on watching and soon discovered that there were more colorful characters in this show that seemed like a comedy of errors kept unfolding like Jack Hoffmans Son and Ringleader of this Gold Circus Show Todd Hoffman pictured here...

Season one led to season 2 after a claim jumper basically stole the Porcupine Creek Claim from these Underachiever Miners and forced them north into the Canadian Klondike which while more gold was dug up by these prospectors than in season 1 was still below expectations. 

So Now we all look forward to what is in store for season 3 and what Executive Producer Christo Doyle has up his sleeve to show us once this season of mining concludes. On a side note, there seems to be one miner that truly seems like he should get a spin off or get a gold mining crew of his own and that guy is Greg Remsburg .

Good Luck to everyone on the show and I do hope you get your 1000 ounce projection. Who knows maybe the 3rd time really is a charm but I am not holding my breath but I will be watching because in the very least your show is one of the funniest shows on cable television. If you also want to get sucked into the insanity of what this is please go to Gold Rush On Discovery 

Ray Posado