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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Ray Posado & Libation Nation Invite The Ghost Adventures Crew To Cabo San Lucas

For many years increasing Paranormal activity has been increasing in the Southern Baja due to increases in population and the displacement of many ancient burial grounds in the name of Progress and Tourism. Missions that date back several hundred years are now Paranormal Hot Spots as it is believed they are acting as sanctuaries for those that have passed on and possibly as a Portal to the other side. Missions Such as the one pictured here below in Todo Santos ( All Saints ) which is about an hour north of Cabo San Lucas have activity that can only be described as excessive are a hot spot for Paranormal Research.

This is where I come in. I would like to Invite the Ghost Adventures Crew to come to Cabo San Lucas this fall when temperatures are most favorable for investigation as the summer here has quite excessive heat. Apparitions are more than normal and happen nightly in many areas in the region. Apparitions include those of Friars,Monks,Bandidos,Conquistadors,regular people,Priests and even Pirates. Many Pirates are seen on the Sea Of Cortez side in what is known as The Corridor between Cabo San Lucas and San Jose Del Cabo. The lighthouse in Cabo which in Spanish is EL Faro is a hotbed for activity as well and is said to have very heavy Paranormal activity when Hurricanes approach lands end and it is believed that this is responsible for changing the trajectory of many approaching hurricanes over category 2 throughout the years. This can't be confirmed but should be investigated further as the spirit world and water have always had a very close relationship. So without making this a novel, I will now ask Zak,Nick and Aaron, Are you ready for this? I will participate and help you and get you what you are after, a Full Body Apparition on video!

You can email me your response Zak at 

Ray Posado