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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy National Tequila Day America!

Happy National Tequila Day America! July 24th has been designated as National Tequila Day for our Gringo Friends North of the Border. Here in Mexico, everyday is National Tequila Day especially the closer you get to a Cantina Amigos!

So Let's all raise our shot glass high and say Salud!
I prefer not to use the salt and lime or as I call them "Training Wheels". Yes I said Lime, we do not have many Lemons in Mexico as they are very rare so the Lemon Slice is more of a Gringo tradition. The Lime and the salt is an old tradition that was more as a sterilization process rather than flavor as lime juice and salt together kill bacteria which was very present in the old days on the glasses in Cantinas. 
So many Brands to choose from, which one do you prefer? This National Tequila Day I am choosing Casa Noble which is the Brand owned now by Carlos Santana.
So no matter if you are a Tequila Aficionado Like me or just a Beginner like my cousin Paco seen below this is your day to enjoy!
We call Paco "The Fatman". He always looks like he has just Farted. He used to drink Rum but I set him up with some Tequila and he now has seen the light. Paco runs a taco restaurant here in Los Cabos and when you come to Los Cabos please go check out his place called Paco's Tacos.

Ray Posado